Burford Primary School
Burford Primary School
Burford Primary School
Windrush Class (Year 1 and Year 2)
Mrs Jessica Beaney
Class Teacher
Burford Primary School
Mrs Louise Rozier
Teaching Assistant
Burford Primary School
Mrs Stef Williams
Teaching Assistant
Burford Primary School
Mrs Rosie Hedges
Teaching Assistant
Burford Primary School
Miss Eva Killick
Teaching Assistant
Burford Primary School

All of our Year 1 children and some of our Year 2 children are taught in Windrush Class in our Lower School (Windrush and Tolsey Class).

Termly Curriculum Maps 2024-2025

Windrush Class Information Read, Write, Inc Phonics Guidance for Warwick, Windrush & Tolsey Classes
Click to see our Windrush Class archive.

Burford Primary School
Priory Lane
OX18 4SG
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)