As the vast majority of our pupils attend Burford Secondary School where all children in Year 7 will learn Spanish, we focus on this at Burford Primary School. We begin teaching languages in Upper School when children begin Year 4. Languages are taught within classes, but challenge and support is offered to support the mixed age classes. Topics are taught on a yearly cycle utilising resources from Linguascope. As children move through Upper School, they will revisit each topic and develop their skills within this area, utilising the skills and knowledge which they learnt the previous year.
Our MFL Curriculum is designed to foster and encourage pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of languages (specifically Spanish) and cultures. The teaching enables pupils to progressively develop skills and express their ideas and thoughts in Spanish; and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. It also provides opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, make links between other languages that we know, and by making explicit links to Geography and History studies, develop an awareness of where Spanish is spoken in the world. We aim for our pupils to feel they are able to speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, through discussion and asking questions. Our curriculum intention is to allow students to maximise their potential in the understanding of a foreign language, culture and tradition, so that they are ready to move onto secondary school with a good basic knowledge of Spanish.
We teach the MFL curriculum in Upper School (Years 4-6). A repeating programme of key vocabulary and structures is planned which is supported by resources from the Linguascope language learning programme.
- In Year 4, our focus is on listening and responding verbally, matching English and Spanish and focusing on correct pronunciation.
- In Year 5, children use the familiar words and phrases to build sentences, using new vocabulary and structures to support grammar. This includes the use of Spanish dictionaries.
- In Year 6, children speak, listen, read and write at greater length, making use of the basic grammar appropriate to the language studied. They make further use of the dictionaries to describe in detail, choosing appropriate language.
As a result of the repeating and progressive nature of the MFL curriculum, pupils build confidence in reading, writing, speaking and listening in Spanish. They are curious to learn more about the language and they make links between the taught vocabulary, other Spanish vocabulary and other languages that they know. They are open to exploring new cultures through language and make links when working in other subjects such as geography and history. They approach language learning at secondary transition with confidence and enthusiasm, ready to build on their primary language foundations.