Lunchtime Arrangements
There are two alternatives for lunch:-
- Children may have a school cooked lunch. All children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 will be supplied a hot cooked meal, free of charge, as per the Government initiative. Nursery children and Years 3 to 6 - hot cooked lunches are currently £2.40 per day.
- Children may bring their own healthy packed lunch.
Orders need to be received weekly in advance –payable via the on-line system called
ScoPay. Alternatively, dinners can be paid termly in advance at the beginning of each term.
Dinners paid in advance but not taken due to illness or school trips are carried forward to the following week/term.
School lunches are prepared and cooked in school by our catering Manager, Mrs Amy Edwards. The menus work on a rota basis and can be found on the notice board at the entrance to school and on our school website.
Autumn/ Winter 2024-2025 menus
Spring/ Summer 2025 menus
We have children and staff in our school who have severe, life threatening reactions (anaphylaxis) if in contact with nuts, especially peanuts. Therefore, please could I ask that we are a ‘nut free’ school i.e. no peanut butter sandwiches, no pesto pasta, no nuts in cakes when brought into school for cake sales, no Crunchy Nut cornflakes boxes for junk modelling etc.
Thank you for your support and consideration in this extremely important matter.