Burford Primary School
Burford Primary School
Burford Primary School
The Curriculum
Year 3 ball skills event
Burford Primary School
Burford Primary School
Hockey Tournament
Burford Primary School
Y2 cricket festival
Burford Primary School
Sports House Winnersl
Burford Primary School
Sports leaders
Burford Primary School
Sports hall athletics 2024
Burford Primary School
Disney inspire shooting stars' girls' football
Burford Primary School

To inspire children to seek a healthy and active lifestyle.

As a school, we believe that Physical Education (P.E) is a vital part of our pupil’s education and wellbeing, both mentally and physically and our curriculum aims to improve the physical literacy of all our children. We aim to educate our children so that they are motivated, confident, display physical competence, and have the knowledge and skills to value and engage in physical activities across their lifetime. We aim to provide our children with opportunities to develop ‘ready for life’ skills such as fairness, respect, communication and how to live a healthy lifestyle. Within PE, we aim to develop the ‘whole child’ by teaching a range of skills, including our pupils’ wellbeing, self-awareness and emotional resilience. We promote fundamental skills such as respect, emotional resilience and self-reflection during lessons and encourage pupils to select and apply these skills at appropriate times during lessons. Within lessons, physical wellbeing is also promoted and discussed.

Our P.E curriculum allows all pupils to show their Burford Best. Our curriculum aims to develop knowledge, skills and understanding across the school through progressive sports and techniques. These provide our pupils with the opportunity to build on their prior knowledge, skills and vocabulary. The P.E curriculum at Burford provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities and experiences to spark curiosity for pupils and develop their cultural capital. The focus of all of our planned provision, curricular or extracurricular, is to allow the pupils at our school to access to a wide variety of high-quality P.E and sports provision.

Burford Primary School is committed to promoting the health and well-being of its pupils and staff through the provision of high-quality PE and sport. The PE curriculum is taught using ‘Complete PE’ , which is in-line with the National Curriculum. All classes will aim to teach the same sport in each term, with the idea that the skills will progressively build with each year group. We seek to provide a full, varied and interesting PE curriculum, which challenges, engages and excites staff and pupils. To further the education and experience of physical education for our pupils and provide CPD for teachers at Burford Primary, an external sports coach teaches each class once a week. For Year 1-6 the sports coach focusses their teaching of game skills, which correspond to Burford Partnership events throughout the year. Each lesson, children are given the opportunity to practise skills which build upon their previous learning. By using small steps of progression, it allows pupils time to embed these skills. Demonstrations are used as a powerful tool to support the learning when intervention is necessary. Within a lesson ‘why’ questions are used to accelerate learning as pupils understand what they are doing, and the purpose of the learning is reinforced. We also promote questions to be answered both verbally and physically when possible, promoting a higher level of activity. As well as the physical success criteria being promoted in each lesson, at Burford we believe it is essential to ensure the development of the whole child is met. Therefore, our PE lessons also focus on the life skills specific to the needs of our pupils.

In Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils receive weekly swimming lessons for a 10 week block, with the aim that by the end of Year 6 all children are able to swim a minimum of 25m unassisted.

Here at Burford Primary School, we believe it is important to encourage leadership and promote school community. Our Year 6 young leaders are responsible for the running of breaktime activities for our younger pupils. We are always looking for new ways to become involved in and promote sport – from inter and intra sport competitions, visits from a range of sports agencies, to implementing Forest School into the curriculum. We offer a wide range of sporting after-school clubs run by both teaching staff and outside agencies: Premier Soccer and Footy Kids. These clubs change termly to provide children with access to a wide range of sporting activities. Pupils in both KS1 and KS2 are involved in numerous tournaments, festivals and competitions throughout the year. As a school, we understand the importance of healthy living outside of school as well, and we have, therefore, forged partnerships with local clubs that we can signpost children to.

PE progression of skills and information

Burford Primary School
Priory Lane
OX18 4SG
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)